We all explored the theme of love across different beliefs and faiths - Christianity, Judaism,
Hinduism, Buddhism, Humanism and also non-faiths, to discover
What love truly is, and why it is so important.
We explored what love means to us, as well as learning what it means to people of different faiths and non-faiths, by asking ourselves a question a day on the theme of love:
Monday - What is love?
Tuesday - Who or what do I love?
Wednesday - How do I show love?
Thursday - Why is love important to me?
Children created maps of their hearts containing the people and things that they loved; wrote poems about what love is; wrote letters full of love to their future selves and to their families, and created 'worlds of love' and heart map artworks together. They also created love-themed windows in the upstairs classrooms for this year's 'Frome Window Wanderland'.
We all talked about how we can show love to each other and to ourselves. We also talked about how we can show love to people we don't know, using the parable of 'The Good Samaritan'. On Friday we were able to put this into practice ourselves, joining other Somerset schools, and having a non-uniform day to raise money for the Red Cross and the people of the Ukraine.
We ended the week with a Collective Worship in church, led by Janet Caudwell, during which we shared all the wonderful things we had been doing, sang 'Father, We Adore You' as a whole school and then, back at school, created this amazing heart - full of love - which we shared with all our families!